GRABO 是有史以来第一台电动便携式真空升降机。这个有用的工具是根据 NEMO POWER TOOLS (Nemo Rotem) 的创始人进行的一次攀岩旅行的想法而创建的。他内心深处渴望制造一个可以牢固地附着在多个表面上的物体,无论是略微多孔还是不平坦。这很快就被发现是一种可用于许多不同行业的工具。因此,GRABO 诞生并获得专利。
我们现在在全球拥有 Nemo Power Tools Limited 的 GRABO 超过 67 项专利。 GRABO 产品也已在全球注册商标!下面的列表向您展示了我们专利的几个例子。这些专利为 NEMO POWER TOOL 提供了发明的独家权利,确保客户始终获得具有全面保修的高质量产品。这是因为让每一分钱都为您(客户)发挥作用对我们来说很重要。
GRABO® Patents
In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, the following list hereby places the public on notice of Nemo Power Tools Limited’s (DBA: GRABO®) rights in United States Patents associated with the following products. The following list further places the public on notice of Nemo Power Tools Limited’s rights in the listed patents and designs in various other jurisdictions, including Europe, Canada, Israel, Republic of Korea, Japan, Australia, and China.
Electric suction cup vacuum gripper – GRABO®
Inventor: Nemo (Nimrod) Rotem
Assignee: Nemo Power Tools Limited
Priority date: 5/8/2018 Status: Granted
Israel, APP 259216; PUB WO 2019/215722; 259216; PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) PCT/IL2019/050502
PRC (China) 201980005884.0 / CN111433149A
EU: (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland/Liechtenstein, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, (the Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia and Turkey.) 19725779.3 / 3707092;
USA 16/769,107 USA Design 29753783
PRC Design 202030611640.2 PRC Design 20203063241.8 PRC Design 202030631563.7 PRC utility model #2 Pending.
GRABO® Trademarks
Serial number 88206920, Registration Number 5799147 4000: Illustration: Drawing with word(s)/letter(s)/number(s) in Block form.
International Codes: 7 U.S. Codes: 013,019,021,023,031,034,035
Industrial power tool used for handling of materials, namely, vacuum assisted hand-held lifting tools for industrial use; power tools, namely, vacuum assisted hand-held lifting tools used to hold and position work pieces for manufacturing and construction applications; vacuum lifters for use in handling glass, sheet metal, windows, doors, hardwood products, lumber, beams, plastic sheets, ceramic tile, rough concrete, drywall and rough slate; vacuum assisted hand-held lifting tools and auxiliary straps used to lift, move and transport household appliances, furniture, boxes and entertainment systems
PRC (China): GRABO® App 39840846 Reg 39840846 0734: lifting apparatus (升降装置) 0749.3: suction machines for industrial purposes (工业用抽吸机械) 0750.1: control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors (机器、引擎或马达用机械控制装置
HONG KONG PRC: GRABO® App 304947896 Reg 304947896
CANADA App. 2023752
UK App. 3483095
EU App. 18228224
JAPAN App 2020-044421
CHINESE TM – GRABO – “格勒堡” 49247812
Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand. (Madrid protocol)
Other trademarks and patents pending.
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